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презентация Population and economy of Africa

Africa is the most economically backward part of the world economy.Africa is the last country in terms of industrialization, transport, health and science, crop productivity and livestock productivity.In terms of population Africa is among the continents second place after Eurasia.The population of Africa is extremely diverse in terms of tribal composition and language.The main population of Africa-the peoples of the Negro race.Africa's agriculture in the international geographical division of labour is represented primarily by tropical and subtropical agriculture.The population of Africa is very complex in its ethnic composition. Both ethnic and linguistic diversity had been exacerbated by colonization, which had divided historical, cultural and linguistic zones with kindred peoples into a large number of colonial possessions, thus determining the multi-ethnic composition of the population of modern independent States. There are great differences in the level of social development of the peoples of Africa: from tribal groups (Bushmen) to large peoples with established feudal relations (Hausa, Kanuri, fulbe, etc.) and multi-million Nations (Algerians, Tunisians, etc.). The development of national processes is closely intertwined with the overall socio-political and economic development of society. Along with the trends of convergence of different peoples within modern States, there are trends towards the separation of individual ethnic groups. The fight against these opposite trends has had a major impact on the national and socio-economic development of African countries.

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Дата публикации: 04.06.2018
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Сторчак Я. Е. Population and economy of Africa // Международный каталог для учителей, учеников и преподавателей «Презентации» // URL: https://xn--80ablbaanka7beun6ae4de9e.xn--p1ai/prezentatsii-po-inostrannomu-yazyku/11-klass/file/26427-population-and-economy-of-africa (дата обращения: 22.02.2025)
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